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Profile properties

Describes the properties of the Profile object, in the Optimizely Profile Store API.

Profiles are used for storing aggregated data from visitor interactions. You can view profile data in Optimimizely Visitor Intelligence or with the Profile Store API.

Profile data model

The profile object contains a set of property fields.

  • ProfileId [GUID] – The unique identifier of the profile, generated by the API.
  • DeviceIds [Array[string]] – Identifiers of devices associated with the profile.
  • Name [string] – A descriptive name for the profile.
  • Scope [string] – The ID of the scope for the profile. The referenced scope should exist. The profile is stored for the default scope if the value is null, empty string, or contains whitespace symbols only.
  • ProfileManager [string] – Name of the person responsible for managing the profile.
  • FirstSeen [DateTime] – The UTC date and time when the first event was tracked for the visitor, in ISO-8601 format. First seen timestamp should be less than or equal to LastSeen
  • LastSeen [DateTime] – The UTC date and time when the last track event was sent for the visitor, in ISO-8601 format.
  • Visits [int] – The number of visits for this profile. More than 15 minutes between two events counts as a new visit. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.
  • UpdateTime [DateTime] – The UTC date and time when the profile was updated last time, in ISO-8601 format.
  • VisitorGroups[Array[string]] – Visitor groups that this profile is a part of. The maximum number of visitor groups assigned to a single profile s 1000.
  • Info [Array with key [string] / value [string] ] – Key is one of the following, often based on data from a form field or similar:
    • Picture Profile picture URL
    • WebsiteValid website URL
    • StreetAddress
    • Phone Valid phone number characters – + - . whitespace and alphanumeric characters.
    • Mobile Valid phone number characters – + - . whitespace and alphanumeric characters.
    • City
    • State
    • ZipCode – Postal code can contain digits, lowercase and uppercase letters, hyphens, and whitespace characters.
    • JobTitle
    • Company
    • Country – ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code in uppercase.
    • InferredCountry – ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code in uppercase. (Deduced from an IP address.)
    • Email – Valid email address.
  • ContactInformation [Array[string]] – A read-only property that contains a list with values describing how the owner of the profile can be contacted, and contains one or more of the following values:
    • Anonymous – If Name property is not set on the profile.
    • Known – If Name property is set on the profile.
    • Mailable – If Email exists in Info property.
    • Callable – If Phone or Mobile exists in Info property.
  • Payload [object] – A property where any other custom values can be stored in the form of a JSON object.


      "ProfileId"          : "df9fbdb3-4141-4d85-b37b-f5664b11a9dc",
      "DeviceIds"          : [
      "Name"               : "John Doe",
      "ProfileManager"     : "Alec Baldwin", 
      "FirstSeen"          : "2018-01-01T12:34:56",
      "LastSeen"           : "2018-05-18T11:33:12",
      "Visits"             : 1401,
      "UpdateTime"         : "2019-03-06T21:29:38.4088275Z",
      "VisitorGroups"      : [
      "Scope"              : "CommerceSite"
      "Info"               : {
                               "Website"       : "https://example.com"
                               "Picture"       : "http://example.com/profile/JohnDoe_avatar.png",
                               "StreetAddress" : "Hagagatan 1, vi",
                               "Phone"         : "0294-8742517",
                               "Mobile"        : "0294-8742517",
                               "City"          : "Stockholm",
                               "ZipCode"       : "815 24",
                               "JobTitle"      : "Developer",
                               "Company"       : "Almacs",
                               "Country"       : "SW",
                               "Email"         : "[email protected]"
      "ContactInformation" : [
      "Payload"            : {
                               "customField"      : 10,
                               "otherCustomField" : "banana"