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Describes the concept and how to manage blacklists using the Optimizely Profile Store API.

Use Blacklists

You can register a visitor's email address in the blacklist to avoid processing events that come from this visitor and avoid storing visitor data.

Registering visitor email in the blacklist results in the following:

  • Incoming events are ignored and not processed where User.Email property contains a blacklisted email address.
  • You cannot update an existing profile with a blacklisted email address using Profile Store API.
  • You cannot create a new profile if the profile contains a blacklisted email address.
  • Existing data of blacklisted visitors are removed by schedule, usually every night:
    • A visitor profile is removed if it contains a blacklisted email address.
    • Events are removed if User.Email property contains blacklisted email address, or the device ID belongs to a profile that contains blacklisted email address.



Use blacklists for GDPR-compliance only.

Blacklist properties

The blacklist object contains a fixed set of property fields.

  • BlacklistId [string] – The unique identifier of the blacklist object. Generated by the API.
  • Email [string] – The blacklisted email address. Specified by the developer.
  • Scope [string] – Optional. The unique identifier of the scope of this blacklist object; specified by the developer.
    • The ID should start with a letter or a number.
    • The ID should contain up to 64 characters of letters, numbers, and underlines (_) only.
    • Do not use CAPITAL letters.


          "BlacklistId" : "aa95267c-2e27-4e82-9b5b-186c4f50c68b",
          "Email"       : "[email protected]",
          "Scope"       : "commercesite"

Blacklist methods

GETapi/v1.0/blacklists/- To filter results using querystring parameters, see Filtering, paging, and sorting.
- Returns HTTP 200 OK with all the blacklist items available in the environment.
- Response body example:
          "total" : 2,
          "count" : 2,
          "items" : [ 
                        "BlacklistId" : "62a2a514-a5f8-4e57-ae59-fe173167f8b7", 
                        "Email"       : "[email protected]", 
                        "Scope"       : "DefaultScope" 
                        "BlacklistId" : "a9780654-80f8-41b5-a716-8da5950783bd", 
                        "Email"       : "[email protected]", 
                        "Scope"       : "bacb5c80-191e-433f-9fb2-b07c47b862af" 
POSTapi/v1.0/blacklists/- Returns HTTP 201 CREATED with the blacklist ID, email, and scope in the response body.
- Returns 400 BAD REQUEST if an incorrect post body was specified.
- Post body example:
           "Email" : "[email protected]", 
           "Scope" : "DefaultScope" 
  • Response body example:
          "BlacklistId" : "83b23656-247d-4bf1-805b-a86d83ce489d", 
          "Email"       : "[email protected]", 
          "Scope"       : "DefaultScope" 
DELETEapi/v1.0/blacklists/{id}- Removes an existing blacklist item.
- Returns:
- HTTP 200 OK if the blacklist item was removed.
- HTTP 404 NOT FOUND if the blacklist item does not exist.
DELETEapi/v1.0/blacklists/{id}/ClearUserData- Removes profile for the specified blacklist item.
- Returns:
- HTTP 200 OK if the data for the blacklist item was removed.
- HTTP 404 NOT FOUND if a profile with the email of the specified blacklist item does not exist.
  • Response body example:

       "Successfully removed data for blacklist item 77a6edaf-b10f-4f67-bc2a-35222dcd78d1"



The ClearUserData API removes a profile in real-time. If you do not need the real-time deletion of the profile, you can skip calling the ClearUserData API method. However, both the profile and track events of a blacklisted customer are automatically deleted in 24 hours after you create a blacklist item.