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Track events (deprecated)

(Deprecated) Describes the track event object in the Optimizely Profile Store API.



Visitor Intelligence and Profile Store are deprecated and no longer supported. For migration options to Optimizely Data Platform (ODP), contact your sales representative or customer success manager.

See Remove dependencies on Visitor Intelligence and Profile Store.

Tracked events are used for recording visitor interaction, for example viewing a website page, placing an order, or clicking a link in an email.

The track event object contains the following property fields.

  • DeviceId [string] – The device the event was send from.
  • EventType [string] – The type of event.
  • Value [string] – A human-readable string for the event.
  • PageUri [string] – The URL where the event was made (if it was from a site).
  • RemoteAddress [string] – The IP address for the event visitor.
  • EventTime (datetime) – The UTC time when the event occurred.
  • CountryCode (string) – country from which the event was made.
  • Payload [object] – A property where any other custom values can be stored in the form of a JSON object.


      "DeviceId"      : "91687965-bc76-49a2-862c-e014441b8f6b",
      "EventType"     : "home",
      "Value"         : "Visited the start page.",
      "PageUri"       : "https://example.com/en/",
      "RemoteAddress" : "::1",
      "Payload"       : {  
                          "name"          : "Home page",
                          "contentGuid"   : "440be34f-d08a-4a7e-b019-55448d065d28",
                          "contentLink"   : "163204",
                          "contentTypeID" : 170,
                          "parentLink"    : "163198"
      "EventTime"     : "2017-09-15T07:16:34.7957819Z",
      "CountryCode"   : "Localhost"

TrackEvents methods

You must add an Authorization header to the request. The value should be:


GET api/v2.0/TrackEvents

GETapi/v2.0/TrackEventsGets events are based on OData query. Profile Store follows Microsoft REST API Guidelines for supporting $filter, and $orderby.

The result window size is limited and must fit the top 10000 records, so the sum of $skip and $top values must be less than 10000. Defaut values of $skip is 0, $top is 100.

POST api/v2.0/TrackEvents/preview

POSTapi/v2.0/TrackEvents/previewGets events that match KQL query.

When you create a KQL query for a filter definition, this endpoint lets you preview up to 1000 event results.

The execution is dropped if it runs longer than 2 minutes or uses too much compute power so do not make the KQL query too heavy for execution.

Example request

POST /api/v2.0/TrackEvents/preview
    Authorization: epi-single YourAPIKey
    Content-Type: application/json-patch+json
    accept: application/json
      "Query" : "Events
        | where EventTime between (todatetime('2019-01-01') .. endofday(now()))
            and EventType == 'pageview'
            and User.Email != ''
        | take 2", 
      "Scope" : "default" 

Example response data

      "items" : [
                   "TrackId"       : "",
                   "DeviceId"      : "558356a7-86d2-4ca7-9c00-c01c46d81111",
                   "EventType"     : "pageview",
                   "Value"         : "Example page view",
                   "Scope"         : "default",
                   "PageUri"       : "http://example.com",
                   "PageTitle"     : "Example Home",
                   "RemoteAddress" : "",
                   "SessionId"     : "",
                   "User"          : {
                                       "Email" : "[email protected]",
                                       "Name"  : "John Smith"
                   "Payload"       : null,
                   "CountryCode"   : "SE",
                   "City"          : "",
                   "EventTime"     : "2020-01-23T21:27:49.3361008Z"
                   "TrackId"       : "",
                   "DeviceId"      : "558356a7-86d2-4ca7-9c00-c01c46d82222",
                   "EventType"     : "pageview",
                   "Value"         : "Example page view from another device",
                   "Scope"         : "default",
                   "PageUri"       : "http://example.com",
                   "PageTitle"     : "Example Home",
                   "RemoteAddress" : "",
                   "SessionId"     : "",
                   "User"          : {
                                       "Email" : "[email protected]",
                                       "Name"  : "John Smith"
                   "Payload"       : null,
                   "CountryCode"   : "SE",
                   "City"          : "",
                   "EventTime"     : "2020-01-23T21:27:59.8661238Z"
      "count" : 2

DELETE api/v2.0/TrackEvents/{scope}/{id}

DELETEapi/v2.0/TrackEvents/{scope}/{id}The DELETE method deletes tracking events for the given scope and tracking event Id.

Please note that event deletion happens in 2 stages. Deleted events are not returned when querying and exporting data or executing segment. Actual data deletion usually is scheduled once a day. The cleaning period may be longer, depending on other tasks and the load on the system.

Up to 1 million events can be deleted before the next data cleaning is performed.


  • HTTP 200 OK when a tracking event was deleted.
  • HTTP 404 NOT FOUND if tracking event does not exist.
  • HTTP 429 TOO MANY REQUESTS if more than 1 million events would be deleted after this operation. See Retry-After response header for the suggested time for retry.
  • HTTP 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR when an internal error occurred in the deletion process.



If you experience an HTTP 500 error you can retry the operation again to get a successful response.