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Profile queries (deprecated)

(Deprecated) Describes how to query profiles in Optimizely Profile Store. Profiles are used for storing aggregated data from visitor interactions.



Visitor Intelligence and Profile Store are deprecated and no longer supported. For migration options to Optimizely Data Platform (ODP), contact your sales representative or customer success manager.

See Remove dependencies on Visitor Intelligence and Profile Store.



See Tracking API for a better understanding of how tracking works. This topic references Postman for querying and testing of RESTful APIs, you can use other similar tools to get the same result.

Use the Profile Store API URL for querying profiles. The format of the request should be {Profile Store API}/api/v1.0/trackevents. An Authorization header must be added to the request. The value should be:


The profiles endpoint will return 100 profiles if you do not use any query string. Optimizely follows Microsoft REST API Guidelines for supporting $filter, and $orderby.