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API Reference

SCIM endpoint for adding a user.

Adds a user to the organization. The created user with its attributes is returned to the client. The supported attributes are:

  • userName – Mapped to the email of the user.
  • active – In a POST, the active setting is ignored and is assumed to be true.
  • name.familyName – The last name of the user.
  • name.givenName – The first name of the user.

SCIM RFC compliance

This endpoint fully complies with the SCIM RFC as it relates to the supported schema.

API payload

  "UserName": "{{email}}",  
    "Active": true,  
    "schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User"],  
  "externalId": "${\_\_UUID}",  
    "name": {  
      "familyName": "{{last-name}}",  
      "givenName": "{{first-name}}"  

Error conditions

  • 409 (Conflict) – A user with the same email address or user name already exists in the SCIM organization or any other organization.
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