JUMP TOEpiserver Cloud APIDatabaseExportsStarts the database export process.postGets information about the database export process for the specified project and export.getDeploymentsRetrieves deployment package upload locationgetReset specified deployment.postGet deployment details.getComplete specified deployment.postGets a list of deployments for specified project.getStarts deployment to target environment.postEpiserver Cloud APIBlob Storage ContainersGet the list of blob storage containers for specified project Id and environmentgetGenerate a new SAS link for the projectId, environment and containerName combination. The generated link is valid for 24 hours by default if not requested by user (retention hours) otherwise.postDatabaseExportsStarts the database export process.postGets information about the database export process for the specified project and export.getDeploymentsRetrieves deployment package upload locationgetReset or Complete reset a specified deployment.postGet deployment details.getComplete specified deployment.postGets a list of deployments for specified project.getStarts deployment to target environment.postGets a list of deployments for specified project.get https://paasportal.episerver.net/api/v1.0/projects/{projectId}/deployments