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Optimizely Connect for SharePoint

Describes Optimizely Connect for SharePoint, which provides a transparent connection between Optimizely Content Management System (CMS) and Microsoft SharePoint.


CMS 11

The connector copies documents, blocks, or other items from SharePoint document libraries and lists these automatically.

Updates can be scheduled or managed manually, and are available in CMS as media or blocks. Additionally, developers can manipulate documents or blocks as they are being transferred, to customize applications to specific requirements in CMS.



About the installation

The Optimizely Sharepoint connector is installed as a NuGet package. 

When you install the SharePoint NuGet package, a third-party dependency adds the following entry in web.config, but because the entry is already in web.config, it causes a duplicate name error. You can fix the duplicate name error by changing the name of ExtensionlessUrlHandler-Integrated-4.0 to something else.

<add name="ExtensionlessUrlHandler-Integrated-4.0" 
     preCondition="integratedMode,runtimeVersionv4.0" />

About ISharepointProcessor

The ISharePointProcessor interface lets you implement a class to override or enhance how Optimizely processes SharePoint objects. For example, you want to add a prefix to filenames as you copy the SharePoint files to the Optimizely CMS, or filter specific file types from being copied to the Optimizely CMS, or you want to notify a user after the files are copied.

ISharePointProcessor interface

The ISharePointProcessor interface has the following methods:

  • AddDocument – Adds a document to the data store.
  • AddFolder – Adds a folder to the data store.
  • DeleteDocument – Deletes a document from the data store.
  • DeleteFolder – Deletes a folder from the data store.
  • UpdateDocument – Updates (overwrites) a document in the data store.
  • UpdateFolder – Updates (overwrites) a folder in the data store.

Install the SharePointProcessor example

The SharePointProcessor example code consists of two classes:

  • InitializeModule.cs. Implements the PackageInitializer class, which registers the demo processing module.
  • DemoProcessor.cs. DemoProcessor is for demonstration purposes only. The sample DemoProcessor implementation calls the default behavior of the existing SharePoint processor and describes how to override the default behavior to extend or enhance it. You can create your own class that inherits ISharePointProcessor so that when you initialize it, it overrides the default SharePoint processor.  



You can have only one overriding processing service.

To install the SharePointProcessor example code:

  1. Create a project in Visual Studio.
  2. Copy the DLL that contains your processor implementation into the bin folder of your solution.
  3. Restart the web server.

Register your processor

Register your SharePointProcessor using the service locator in Optimizely, as shown in the following example:

private void InitializationEngine_InitComplete(object sender, EventArgs e)
    { _serviceLocator.Buildup(_processor); // Register our processor }

Demo Processor

The demo processor class implements the ISharePointProcessor interface. The default implementation of each method is to call the default processor. For example:

public void AddFolder(SPListItem item)
           // Do some custom processing
           // Optionally call the default processor



The demo processor reads only the metadata for a specific document in SharePoint and sends the metadata to the plugin processor methods. The demo processor and the AddDocument method show how to retrieve the data use the default SharePointProcessor by calling the default processor’s getFileStream(item) method, as shown in the following code samples.


using EPiServer.ConnectForSharePoint.Messaging;
    using EPiServer.Framework;
    using EPiServer.Framework.Initialization;
    using EPiServer.Packaging;
    using EPiServer.ServiceLocation;
    using System;
    using System.Threading;
    namespace DemoSharepointProcessor
        /// <summary>
        /// Episerver Module initializer for this plugin.
        /// </summary>
        public class InitializeModule : PackageInitializer
            IServiceLocator _serviceLocator;
            ISharePointProcessor _processor;
            public InitializeModule()
                // Get the service locator from the environment
                _serviceLocator = ServiceLocator.Current;
                _processor = new DemoProcessor();
            /// <summary>
            /// For unit testing
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="serviceLocator"></param>
            internal InitializeModule(IServiceLocator serviceLocator, ISharePointProcessor processor)
                // Use the Mocked service locator passed in
                _serviceLocator = serviceLocator;
                _processor = processor;
            public override void Initialize(InitializationEngine context)
                context.InitComplete += InitializationEngine_InitComplete;
            private void InitializationEngine_InitComplete(object sender, EventArgs e)
                _serviceLocator.Buildup(_processor); // Register our processor
            public override void AfterInstall()
            public override void AfterUpdate()
            public override void BeforeUninstall()


For example, you can add a prefix to filenames you bring into media from SharePoint.

  1. Add item.File.Name = "EPi" + item.FIle.Name; in the AddDocument section, just after the code var data = defaultProcessor.getFileStream(item);.
  2. Build DemoProcessor.cs.
  3. Run the SharePoint connector to upload the Sample.txt sample file. The custom DemoProcessor changes the name of the file and passes the name to the default processor, which copies Sample.txt to EPiSample.txt in the media store.
using EPiServer.ConnectForSharePoint.Messaging;
using EPiServer.ConnectForSharePoint.Models;
using EPiServer.ServiceLocation;
using EPiServer.ConnectForSharePoint.Helpers;
    namespace DemoSharepointProcessor
        [ServiceConfiguration(ServiceType = typeof(ISharePointProcessor))]
        public class DemoProcessor : ISharePointProcessor
            private SharePointProcessor dp;
            // Default processor that adds documents and folders to EPiServer (optional)
            private SharePointProcessor defaultProcessor {
                    if(dp == null)
                        dp = new SharePointProcessor();
                    return dp;
            public void AddDocument(SPListItem item)
                // Do some custom processing
                // The splistitem does not contain the data stream associated with the file.
                // The following line is an example of how to get the data associated with the SPListItem
                SharePointProcessorHelper helper = new SharePointProcessorHelper();
                var rawdata = helper.GetDocumentStream(item);
                // Optionally call the default processor - note that the default processor 
                // also gets the data stream so that the data can be inserted into EPiServer
            public void AddFolder(SPListItem item)
                // Do some custom processing
                // Optionally call the default processor
            public void AddListItem(SPListItem item)
                // Do some custom processing
                SharePointProcessorHelper helper = new SharePointProcessorHelper();
                var rawdata = helper.GetRawListItemData(item);
                var dictionary = helper.GetMetaData(item.ParentList);
                var fields = helper.ParseRawListItemData(dictionary, rawdata);
                // Optionally call the default processor
            public void DeleteDocument(SPListItem item)
                // Do some custom processing
                // Optionally call the default processor
            public void DeleteFolder(SPListItem item)
                // Do some custom processing
                // Optionally call the default processor
            public void DeleteListItem(SPListItem item)
                // Do some custom processing
                // Optionally call the default processor
            public void UpdateDocument(SPListItem item)
                // Do some custom processing
                // Optionally call the default processor
            public void UpdateFolder(SPListItem item)
                // Do some custom processing
                // Optionally call the default processor
            public void UpdateListItem(SPListItem item)
                // Do some custom processing
                // Optionally call the default processor

Register the Connect for SharePoint app

  1. Log into the Azure portal (https://portal.azure.com/) using your global admin user account.

  2. Go to Azure Active Directory.

  3. In the navigation pane, click App registrations. The App registrations page appears.

  4. Click New registration. The Register an application screen appears.

  5. In the Name field, enter a name for the app.

  6. Under Supported account types, select Accounts in this organizational directory only (tenant_prefix - Single tenant).

  7. Click Register.



    Copy and paste the following values in a document that you can access later. You will enter these values in the Optimizely software when you complete the Office 365 guided setup.

    Application ID
    Directory ID

  8. In the navigation panel, click API permissions.

  9. Click Add a permission.

  10. Click Microsoft Graph and complete the following steps:

    a. Click Application permissions.

    b. Select the User.Read permission.

  11. Click Add permissions.

  12. Click Grant admin consent for tenant_name.

  13. Click Yes.

  14. In the navigation panel, click Certificates & secrets. The Certificates & secrets page displays.

  15. Click New client secret. The Add a client secret dialog box displays.

  16. Enter a description, and then optionally select Never expire.

  17. Click Add.

  18. Copy and paste the client secret value into a document you can access later. You will enter this value when you complete the Office 365 guided setup.

  19. To assign full permissions to the tenant to back up SharePoint sites, go to the tenant URL in your browser. For example, go to https://<office_365_tenant_URL>/_layouts/15/appinv.aspx. The SharePoint admin center page displays.

  20. In the App ID field, enter the application ID you recorded earlier and click Lookup. In the Title field, the name of the application displays.

  21. In the App Domain box, type tenantname.onmicrosoft.com. To get the correct domain name, go to the Microsoft Azure website, Custom domain names.

  22. In the App's Permission Request XML field, type the following XML string:

    <AppPermissionRequests  AllowAppOnlyPolicy="true">
      <AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/tenant" Right="FullControl" />
      <AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/social/tenant"  Right="Read" />
  23. Click Create.

  24. Click Trust It.